Episode ONE - MinneCRAPolis
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
If the title wasn't a giveaway, color me underwhelmed by the field of talent in Minneapolis. According to the show's wrap-up, out of an estimated 10,000 who showed to audition, on 17 made it. SEVENTEEN. That means that about .0017% of Minneapolites (?) are talented with respect to singing.
I had only three standouts in the crowd that they showed from tonight's auditions.
I did kinda-sorta like the Columbian girl, and that was purely on the strength of her personality and her look. And while Sarah (I think that's her first name) Kruger had a wonderful voice, I found her whole demeanor off-putting. She was quite the "well I knew you'd take me" type, and that's a turn-off of the highest order.
So Minneapolis?
Thank goodness we're on to another location because so far no one has knocked my socks off.
Labels: American Idol, Auditions
posted by RenaRF @ 12:04 AM,