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Handicapping American Idol 6

Hollywood Week Ep. 1!!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

We start with the girls. They are deluded, happy, as they head to the theater. "We're all winners!!" They get to the theater and reality sets in - LOTS of girls and only 12 spots.

Jory Steinberg is up first. We see her original auditiona nd she's strangely dressed like Paula Abdul. Weird. Out of Love is her song, and she gets through it.

Geri Guyer - we didn't see her, and we didn't really see her this time. We're running at breakneck speed through snippets of the girls. I can't possibly keep up with all the names. Can't. Do. It. A few were good, a few not so much so.

Now the judging of the first 6. They are ALL going home. Simon: "None of you were any good, it's an absolutely terrible start to the day." And they're DONE. Buh-bye. "This is a warning to everyone else out there." They want MORE - MORE I tell you!! It was funny when one of the girls heard what she wanted hear and got all excited after being told she was going home. Heh. Lots of crying. Lots of scared faces among the girls left to go. Presumably we're getting down to the 40 who will walk the "long mile" during tomorrow's final Hollywood round.

More follows the click.

Commercial!! Love that Coke commercial that celebrates Black History Month. We see the trailer for Ghost Rider, which looks weird. Then a boring Home Depot ad. Then some more boring ads. Ads ads ads. What is this - a business??

And we're back. The girls are freaking out. Except a few of them. Perla's not worried. She craves the camera. Her bag is furry and weird. She's prancing around and some guy asks "who are you?", giving lie to her idea that everyone's there to see her and not there to catch a plane. She's singing that awful Shakira song that I hate. And she sounds a little like a chipmunk and a girl merged. Not good.

Rachel Jenkins - Army Reservist. She sings Unbreak My Heart - I don't like it, even though I like her.

Here's the line of 6. Rachel's out, Perla's through with another girl. Ugh. He tells Perla she's "personality over talent" at the moment. Poor Rachel is crying. I liked her better than Perla, but I frankly didn't like either of them. Perla takes Simon's warning seriously, and she should - too much attitude and not enough talent to back it up.

Bailey Brown - Commercial with a "C" if you recall. She's singing some country song I don't know. She sounds ok - little shaky in spots. I'm over Bailey - sorry Bailey fans. Judges like her. She's one of 3 in her 6 to move forward.

Now we have the cut of bad girls, girls who are cut quickly. Ashlyn is among them. Remember her? Porcelana is also let go - thank goodness. And Sarah Burgess, the gal who called her father all worried during the auditions, is going home as well. And then THE QUESTION:

Did they cut too many on the first day??! Nah. The girls aren't that good this time out.

Nicole Turner and her mom are arguing about song choice. She changes her tune and song on stage. I can't recognize what she's singing, but she sounds interesting and good. Nicole chooses unwisely - she's going home. Now she blames her mother more or less as she cries as her dream is utterly crushed underfoot. Mom is a good mom and admits that they pressed her. She insists on talking to the judges. She gets on stage and tells them that she did that song to please her. Nicole thinks she picked a bad song, and Simon says it "wasn't the song". They basically bitch-slap her around and she's still cut. And Day 1 is over.

56 of the 114 girls are cut.

Now the BOYS - Hoo aah!! They're confident on the buses. We see Sundance Head talking about how there are fewer boys than girls, and how he thinks that will work out generally. Some young ugy is wearing a tie - I can't remember his name - oh there it is - Brian Miller - his delivery this audition is softer and I like it better than his original one, but it's still boy band. And he's done.

Randy: "Boys are starting way ahead of the girls".

Jarrod Fowler - he won Reagan Idol - and he's on stage. I don't know the song - oh - You Raise Me Up. Yawn. Didn't like it. Matt Sato is the really young kid with the unfortunate pimple during his audition. We rehash his parents not being supportive, but now suddenly he "feels loved" because he made it to Hollywood. Sad. He's singing - again - very boy band. Lots of the boys are that way. He was ok. So who goes forward?

Matt's going through and Jarrod's going home. Matt freaks out. Chris Sligh was in that group, too, so you knew the front line was going through. Matt continues to freak out. Jarrod takes it like a man. Matt's mom freaks out. Matt cries. His mother loves him. Matt puts his face in his hands and tells us she never says she loves him. Sad.

And that's IT for the boys?? From Day 1??? UGH - too short!!! Jesus dude is through (Sean Michel) - Sundance Head is through, too. We get from the teaser that the next half hour will be "group" and we see a little foreshadowing of the arguing that's going to take place that night.

Ok. 92 contestants survived the first round. We see the infamous "group round". Oooh - Twist!! They can team up boys and girls to a group!! They have to find their own group and one girl is, inevitably, left out. Matt the crier is locked out, too. No group for Matt. Oh hey - we see Matt from last year's group with Garrett the singing cowboy!!

We see Chris Sligh's group, which contains Blake Lewis. By 11pm the groups are in sync except for Bailey Brown's group - she has teamed up with Amanda and Antonella, the bikini-wearing best friends. Bailey's looking around for a new group. Oops.

At midnight they all head back. At 1am they are still rehearsing. Gena is not happy with Perla's harmonization. The other girl, who I don't recognize, is getting less patient. None of the girls want to go to bed.

We're back to Bailey, Amanda and Antonella. None of them know the lyrics to their song. The song, BTW, is This Old Heart. Amanda says they're "not going to make it through". That's positive for you. Amanda wanders off - Bailey and Antonella call it quits. Amanda's now flirting with a group of boys. She's being a s**t!!

We're back to Perla - the girls are mad because Perla's getting mad every time they tell her she's off key, despite the fact that she asked them to tell her when she's off key. We see a teaser about the "drama playing out on stage", and we're at commercial.

And we're back!! It's 8am. Everyone's still rehearsing. They all hold faux-microphones. Bailey/Antonella/Amanda are still not getting along. The forget the words. The judges warn that they NOT forge
t the words. Matt forgets his words and they let him go. His call to his mother is not as joyous. He calls mom, but we don't hear the end of the conversation.

Gena Glockson's group is up next, and they still haven't gotten along. Perla wants to prove them wrong. They're getting ready to go on. She sounds good (Gena) - Perla not so much - she really sounds BAD. I think that's it for Perla, and I'm not even remotely upset. I never got her in the first place. To the judging - ONLY Perla doesn't make it through to the final day. Even better.

We see Chris Sligh's group, they sound great. REALLY great - totally unique. They obviously worked their asses off. Blake Lewis beat boxes. It REALLY works. I absolutely LOVED that, and they ALL go through. Sundance Head is up next - apparently Day 1 was difficult for him an dhe wasn't Sundance-great. Now his group is up, starting with a girl who sings through her nose. Oh and THERE'S Robyn Troup. Now Sundance is up - it's strong, but I'm not as impressed as I was during the audition rounds. BOTH the girls are nixed, and Sundance is through to the next round.

And finally - Bailey, Amanda and Antonella still don't have things right. they semi-pray before their group. Antonella's up first. She's got to hit her high notes. Then Bailey, and she totally forgets her words. Mom looks scared - Bailey's gonna be gone. Amanda doesn't forget her words, but she sounds weird, and then she forgets her words. I'd only take Antonella from that group. It's Bailey who they cut, and rightfully so, because she didn't sing the majority of her audition. I would have cut Amanda loose as well. Bailey throught she worked the hardest of the three of them, but the fact remains - she FORGOT HER WORDS. She's mad that Amanda was flirting with boys, but Amanda's lyric loss was very momentary where Bailey's was almost the whole of her solo.

Now we see crying people getting cut. Only 56 people are left, and we come back to the final performances and the final cuts.

Day 4!! Only 56 Remain!! Only 40 will remain at the end of the day!! We don't actually SEE them singing. That's annoying. We see the judges deliberating. They're talking about who they'd lose and then show pictures of singing Idol wannabes on the cut screen. They divide them into three rooms (again). Presumably two rooms go through and one room goes home. The crying has already started. I suspect the earlier spoilers were right by how they've been split up, frankly.

Room one: Paula speaks. Chris Sligh's in this room. They're totally safe. She congratulates them. I think I also see Gena in that room, as well as Blake. Good call.

Room two: Antonella's in this one, as well as the pedi-cab girl. Randy talks - Sundance is in the room. They're totally SAFE. So far the spoilers are spot-on.

Room three: They've heard the celebrating and are already crying. Simon quickly tells then it's the end of the road.

Antonella waits for Amanda and sees that she's been cut. She is appropriately subdued. Sanjaya is the same after seeing his sister got cut. He's a good brother and nice person. He leaves the celebration immediately, finds his sister, and hugs her and they both cry. He's a really nice kid.

Amanda is good to Antonella, says she's proud of her without tears.

We see the "long mile", which I will NEVER EVER see without thinking of Taylor walking it while playing the harmonica. Tomorrow we'll know, which 12 boys and which 12 girls will go through. So far the spoilers are SPOT on, but I like watching anyway. :-D

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posted by RenaRF @ 8:01 PM,


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