Top 9 - Results
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
All RIGHT! The results show is here. According to MJs Big Blog, Tony Bennett is too ill to perform tonight. :-( I don't like to hear that - Tony's on of the all-time legendary greats. MJ said that today they were scrambling to find a replacement. We'll see.
There are our judges - what's with Paula's blouse? It's like a bad shirt I owned in the 80s in the 7th grade. Ugh. We now recap the performances as though we didn't watch them last night. Does American Idol think people are tuning in ONLY for the resutls but not watching the show such that we need this lengthy recap? I do get another chuckle watching Simon laugh when Paula referred to Jordin as a "magnet of joy". Heh. And what's with the "is your favorite headed home?" crap? Of course someone's favorite is headed home. What a goofy thing to say.
Sorry. I guess I'm feeling a little bitchy tonight. :-) Click to the extended for the rest of the recap.
And we're back from one of countless commercials with the Ford commercial. They're chanelling Bob Marley in a very white kind of way. This is not one of the better commercials, but I'm glad it's for a hybrid.
Ryan's pimping the downloads on the AI site, and is pimping some songwriting contest. Huh. So here we go with the beginning of the results. It's groups of three tonight:
Group 1: Blake, Chris, Sanjaya (who cut his hair!!!) - SAFE (so much for the call on Sanjaya, also)
Group 2: Haley, Gina, Phil - Bottom Three
Group 3: Jordin, Melinda, Lakisha (diva trio!) - SAFE (so much for my shocker prediction)
I think they sit Gina down after the break. Given my need to readjust, I'm going to hope and pray it's Haley who goes home tonight. I don't want to see her whiny, bitchy face making faces as people comment about her legs when that's about all she's really bringing to the competition.
And we're back! Haley makes faces. We meet the AI Challenge winner. Challenge time: The answer is A. Text A to 51555. You can also vote from the AI site. Hm... Allstate donated to Idol gives back? How about they just honor the policies they are ducking in the Katrina and Rita aftermath? Pfaw. We hear that Tony has the flu. :-( But Michael Buble is standing in (hat-tip MJ for posting that!). I gotta say - they put this guy on the hook today. He's performing live on the most watched television show on the air with almost NO preparation or rehearsal. He looks a little hyper-aware, but he sounds great. I didn't know he was so... normal looking. Huh.
Michael pimps his album - it's only fair. Buble asks if he's still wasting his votes by still voting for Antonella Barba. Huh. Not very funny - just a tad lame.
And we're back, and we're "reminding ourselves" of our bottom 3 tonight. Someone's sitting down - and it's PHIL STACEY. Oh my GOD!! I hope Haley goes!! Please please please please!!! Gina doesn't even belong in the bottom three, let alone the bottom two. Simon's not surprised, Haley rolls her eyes. Please please please please let it be Haley. And it's freakin' GINA who's going home.
Please avert your children's eyes:
This is total fucking bullshit. I don't know if I want to watch any more.
Labels: American Idol, Finals, Results, Top 9
posted by RenaRF @ 7:46 PM,
- At 9:28 PM, Bridgette said...
I'm so disgusted by this show. I am seriously, seriously debating not watching anymore. It's turned into this ridiculous media circus and I hate it. While I DEFINITELY think Haley should have gone over Gina, I feel bad for her. At this point, everyone just accepts that Sanjaya will be there forever even though he is absolutely DREADFUL so people are starting to pick on Haley. She's not good, but Sanjaya is 100x worse. I'll finish out watching this season since I started but I swear that I will not watch it next year. However, yet again, thanks for the prompt posting. I missed the performances last night because I was at Taylor Hicks' show (AMAZING!) so I caught up with your blog :)
- At 9:56 PM, RenaRF said...
Ooh Bridgette - I'm jealous!! But I'll miss the performance on April 17th for the EXACT same reason - Taylor show in Baltimore!! Yay!
Honestly - the only reason I think I'll stay with it this season is because I've committed to this blog!! Otherwise, I'd probably just DVR it and catch it when I felt like it. - At 5:20 AM, said...
Hey, RenaRF -- Cindy agrees! No way Gina should be leaving while Haley and Sanjaya stay. Idol is ceasing to be "appointment TV" for me because of the screwed-up voting. Wonder what "they" can do to rescue the show and make it about the music?
- At 7:17 PM, SuperflyTNTdaShizzle said...
I have to agree! Up to this point, although I wanted to see Sanjaya go, I didn't get upset by the results. This was ridiculous. Gina was at least in the top 4, better than all the guys and at least Haley, (I'd also put her ahead of Jordin and equal to Lakisha). The only hope is that as the total vote count goes up and there are less contestants to spread them around, Sanjaya CAN'T last much longer.