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Handicapping American Idol 6

The Golden Mile
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Or the long mile. Or the something - it's the LONG WALK forever changed by Taylor Hicks when he made it playing the harmonica. I knew he was a winner after his Vegas audition, and I knew he'd be THE winner after that walk. It should be interesting to see how the walk is performed tonight by the lucky 24 who make it - I have to think that Taylor's stand-out walk planted some ideas in the heads of tonight's Idol wannabes. Hm...

Woo hoo!! And it starts. There's Ryan - talking as the final 40 are going into the building. We see the lone chair at the end of the long walk in front of the judges. I'll try to keep up with people's names, so bear with me because I'm going to try to liveblog this and post updates when it goes to commercial.

We are, of couse, given just enough to hook us when we see shock and tears on people's faces as they see what OTHER people have not made it. We get interviews with a few of the Idol wannabes, commenting on how dire the day sis going to be - either make their dreams or pack it in.

Contestants and results after the click.

Sanjaya Malakar (YES) - we get to see his Hollywood audition - Some Kind of Wonderful - I think he's off key from what they showed, frankly, and I liked hi from the beginning. We get to see him making it when his sister didn't, which was actually a pretty touching moment last night. Paula asks about how it's been with his sister when he's in the room. They quickly tell him he's going through and he's shyly excited.

Anna Kearns (NO) - she's the really tall girl who sang Respect in Seattle. She sits in front of them and Simon apologizes for calling her a giraffe. Randy quickly delivers the news that she didn't make it and she is literally dumbstruck. She can't believe it. She argues - she says they've never had anyone like "this" (her) on the show, and she admits that she doesn't sing the best, but she's totally surprised. That was... uncomfortable.

Bernard Williams (NO) - Never saw the guy. Paula gives hi the bad news and now I never WILL see the guy. That was quick. THIS is the guy who caused the other people's faces to register Shock.

Erik Davis (NO) and Tammy Gosnell (NO) quickly don't make it. DAMNIT. I REALLY liked Tammy. Damn!

Melinda Doolittle (YES) - I remember liking her in the audition. We see a bit of her Hollywood week song - she sounds great. She was the perennial background singer if you recall. Simon starts by slamming her a bit, sayng that being a background singer means you're not as good as someone who's out front, and then says she's good enough to stand at the front of the stage and she's through to the finals. She's thrilled, as she should be.

Brandon Rogers - (YES) OOOH - had my eye on him since Los Angeles. They show a bit of his Hollywood week audition, Have you Ever Really Loved a Woman was his song. Sounded nice. Randy tells him he earned his spot as a lead singer, and that he made it. He's definitely in my top 2 to watch.

So the commercials were boring, and we're back. The ones who are left are waiting - the tension is PALPABLE!! WILL THEY MAKE IT?? Can they TAKE it???

Gena Glockson
(YES) - She didn't make it to the 40 last year, so she's a step further along this year at any rate. We see her Hollywood song, Have You Ever Really... etc. Paula starts yakking. Gena looks nervous. She tells her she's through. "Shut UP" is Gena's response. She's freakin' thrilled. Even Simon looks happy for her. She cries all the way down on the elevator, and everyone's happy for her (or so they seem)

Jimmy McNeil
(NO) and Eric Johnson (NO) are quickly cut. Remember Jimmy? The fun, cuddly Reuben? Bummer. Liked him, didn't love him - but then I didn't love Reiben all that much, either.

Haley Scarnarto
(YES) - they show her Hollywood week audition, then Paula quickly puts her through. I liked her, but she's kind of another Kat.

Phil Stacy
(YES) - I like this guy. His Hollywood audition was Have You Ever Really... etc. and he sounded GREAT. Really great. I hope he makes it - he's in front of the judges. This is the guy who missed the birth of his daughter to audition. Randy's gonna give him the truth - and the truth IS that he made it!! He's thrilled. I'm thrilled for him!!

All right. We're at commercial (again) and so far, with the exception of Tammy Gosnell, I'm liking their choices. Not that they asked, and not that any of you asked, but just sayin'. I have to say also - I'm more enamored of the breadth and depth of talent that the boys have thi sseason than the girls. This could change when we really get into the live competition, but the boys really seem to have a great deal of diversity. Rudy Cardenas, Blake Lewis, Chris Sligh, Sundance Head, Phil Stacy - all interesting and all fun to watch. I can only think of two or three girls that I could have said that about, and one of them just got cut!

We're back. 28 contestants are left. Everyone looks pensive. And then we abruptly cut to the guys getting a sneak preview of the Simpson's movie, presumably on the day the girls competed. They seem to love it. What guy doesn't? We then see them stopping at the Simpson's studio, where eerything is done on computers. It's cool.

Chris Sligh
(YES) - "You guys are probably wondering why I called this meeting today" is what he opens with. We see his Hollywood week audition and it's STELLAR. He interprets Have You Ever Really... etc. in a totally unique way. Simon says he wasn't one of the etter singer (???) but then puts him through. Weird.

Blake Lewis
(YES) - They show the group performance with him beat boxing, which was as great the second time around. Simon reaffirms that he knows it's a singing competition. He seems to know. They have a dramatic pause, and they put Blake through.

Thomas Lowe
(NO) , another member of the group, is cut quickly.

Rudy Cardenas
(YES) - the final member of the foursome. They show his a capella audition and he sounds GREAT. Simon didn't like his first audition, thoght Hollywood Round was Ok, then they cut to his family waiting outside the elevator. Rudy emerges, victorious. He's through. Another great one.

Ok - so that's 6 boys through with 6 spots open. 3 girls are through with 9 spots remaining open. Only half an hour left - interesting. The only boy I've been really watching that hasn't already gone through is Sundance Head, so we'll see where he stands. I'm interested to see which of the girls make it as I don't really remember that many of them, frankly.

And we're back. The girls are nervous. Really nervous. Some are already crying. Paul Kim
(YES) (not a girl) is barefoot and swears he will be barefoot if he makes the show. He always wears the same underwear no matter what and hasn't been cut (ew?). We see his Hollywood audition. This guy's so through. He's nervous in front of the judges. It was a split decision, but they put him through. The spoilers are dead right so far. Wow.

Jordin Sparks
(YES) - She was very good in Seattle. Randy thought Hollywood week wasn't good for her. They show her audition with Some Kind of Wonderful, and I thought she sounded great. They put her through. She's REALLY young - just 17.

Olibia Quiba-Hurts
(NO), Tatiana MCconnico (NO), Monique Vieras (NO) - all cut. Interesting. Never saw them to begin with.

AJ Tabalo
(YES) - FIFTH TIME auditioning. WOW. His audition sounded good in Hollywood, but a little boy-bandish. They put him through. I consider him a short-timer, but what do I know.

Stephanie Edwards
(YES) - Hollywood Round audition sounded good. Simon cuts to the chase. "You haven't...failed". She makes it.

Leslie Hunt
(YES) - apparently she finished strong. I hear her singing at Hollywood week - it didn't sound strong to me. But they put her through. I can't believe it - I really didn't care for her audition.

Nicholas Pedro
(YES) - the "quitter" from last season. They show his Hollywood audition, Have You Ever Really... etc. It was ok. But not great. Yet they put him through.

So now we're at 9 boys through with 3 spots open and 6 girls through with 6 spots open. By the way, my local news is rehashing our horrible ice storm from today and letting us know that tomorrow won't be a picnic. Did I need to see that? NO - I can look outside and see that. Sheesh.

And we're back. Nicholas Pedro calls his little sister who FREAKS OUT excied for him, literally shrieking the way only a young girl can shriek.

Elena Alexander
(YES) - every round she makes it through she cries. I vaguely remember her. She won't sit in front of the judges. She rethinks and sits. Randy wants to know how the nerves are. He wants to know what she thought of her Hollywood week - she felt like she gave everything she could give. They show her song. Sidebar - her dress is totally cute. He audition is just OK for me. Maybe a little less than OK. She's a very cute girl. They put her through - honestly, I can't believe it, but hey - I said the boys were better. She asks for advice and Simon tells her to blow her nose.

Chris Richardson
(YES) - don't remember him at all - wait - is he the guy from Chesapeake VA?? He quickly makes it through.

Sabrina Sloan
(YES) - they show her Hollywood audition and she sounds good. Not unique, but very good. Simon goes with "We have decided NOT.... to exclude you." He likes torturing them. It's a hoot for me, too.

Jerome Chism
(NO) - He doesn't make it. Never saw him. His shoes are cool.

Joelle James
(NO) - is quickly cut.

Cowboy Matthew Buckstein
(NO) is cut, followed by Princess Johnston (NO).

Lakesha Jones
(YES) - loved her in auditions, and she sounded good in ollywood rounds. This is the single mom if you recall. SImon wants to know if she thinks she's done well, and she thinks so. She's humble. If she doesn't make it she says she'll have no regrets. She makes it through! Good for her.

Nicole Tranquillo
(YES) - we see her Hollywood audition. She's good, but not great. She makes it through.

Jarrod Cotter
(YES) - We see his Hollywood audition. I think it's a little sloppy but he can obviously sing. They put him through - why haven't I seen these people before??

Amy Kratz
(YES) - thought the last day was the high point for her -we see her at her high pint, the lst Hollywood audition. She sounds good, and she's a cute girl. They put her through.

Not many people left - two girls and two guys. So we're to the two-chair portion of the show.

The two girls go together - Marissa Rhodes
(NO) and Antonella Barba (YES) - I have a feeling Antonella will go through. Marissa's first Hollywood audition was really good. They show Antonella forgetting her words on the final day. Uh oh. Both the girls are seated. Randy is "keeping it real" and bringing down the truth. Antonella is through and Marissa is DONE. Marissa almost looks like she's going to puke, frankly. She's upset. She's looks pretty crestfallen, and Antonella looks shocked first and then pretty amazed. In the elevator Marissa squats and kneels and cries, they bleed her asking "how did this &*%& happen?" She is totally bewildered. She obviously thinks she's great and can't see why they don't think she's great. Pride goeth before a fall, eh?

Sundance Head
(YES) and Tommy McDaniel (NO) are up next. McDaniel jumps in the elevator for the camera. I remember Tommy - loved him. But I liked Sundance more. This is a tough one, frankly. The spoilers say that Sundance gets it, and they go back over his Hollywood misadventure. Simon gives the news: Sundance makes it and Tommy doesn't. What a shame - I would take Tommy over an AJ or a few of the other kind of nameless dudes who made it through.

All right. So here are your boys, in order of their admission on the show tonight:

Sanjaya Malakar

Brandon Rogers

Phil Stacy

Chris Sligh

Blake Lewis

Rudy Cardenas

Paul Kim

AJ Tabalo

Nicholas Pedro

Chris Richardson

Jarrod Cotter

Sundance Head

And here are the girls, in the order they were taken on the show:

Melinda Doolittle

Gena Glockson

Haley Scarnarto

Jordin Sparks

Stephanie Edwards

Leslie Hunt

Elena Alexander

Sabrina Sloan

Lakesha Jones

Nicole Tranquillo

Amy Kratz

Antonella Barba

Now. I'm gonna separate the BEST boys and the BEST girls. Anyone excluded falls into the category of "the rest".

BEST (Boys)

1. Brandon Rogers
2. Chris Sligh
3. Rudy Cardenas
4. Sundance Head
5. Phil Stacy
6. Blake Lewis
7. Paul Kim

And yes, those are roughly in order of how I see them based on what we've seen so far.

BEST (Girls)

1. Lakesha Jones
2. Melinda Doolittle
3. Jordin Sparks
4. Stephanie Edwards

See the difference between numbers of best boys and best girls? And while I think all four of the girls I listed are incredibly good, they all seem similar to me in style and interpretation. NONE of the boys seem that way.

So stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it, huh?? ;-) I'll update the blog as I get little tidbits here and there and will definitely see everyone for the first live round next week! Woo hoo!!

Oh and - not for nothing, the spoilers posted on Idol Forus were absolutely bang on. Didn't miss a single one.

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posted by RenaRF @ 8:56 PM,


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