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Handicapping American Idol 6

Back In The Saddle - Top 7 - Results Show
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

First, I have no predictions this week since I have simply not gotten around to watching last night's performances. If you read my "Sorry" post, you know I was at a Taylor Hicks concert at the Ram's Head Live! in Baltimore. What you DON'T know is that I was at the show the night before at the Birchnere in Alexandria. Both shows were awesome, and much to Taylor's credit, he changed it up so they weren't the absolute same. If it's coming to your town, get tickets. It's worth it. www.TaylorHicks.com has links to the tour. Go. Now.

I'm WAY tired. Notwithstanding the rush of the concert last night, I had a FULL day at work today. So I apologize in advance - my recap probably won't be stellar. :-) But follow over the click anyway to the rest. :-D

I see that now the Sanjaya strategy is to allude to him every time they talk about someone getting voted off. If only. Remember - I didn't see any of last night's show. I did, however, just check Dial Idol. They have Sanjaya LAST - that's the first time I've seen that on Dial Idol this season. Not that they're remotely right these days... But could it be?? Be still my heart. Maybe then, if Sanjaya is gone, I will cease this strange "I don't really care" behavior I've been exhibiting. Anyone who knew me from www.GrayCharles.com (may it rest in peace) know that I was BEYOND engaged last season.

OH NO - My DVR just went kaflooey and I lost the first 15 minutes of the show. I think. Hold on - No, I have it. I only appear to be missing 2 minutes. No biggie. So we're at the beginning of the Results Show. Ryan's in a suit again. The show is an hour long AGAIN. The judges are teh judges AGAIN. Oooh... I learn that Simon gave a "look" after Chris R.'s performance and they apparently argued?? Oh man. Something Simon did was interpreted as disrespecting the Virginia Tech people? I thought he just explained that VERY well and was the point at being emotional. Literally emotional - his voice broke. They are trying very hard to diffuse this. Probably a good thing to do, because they replayed it and showed Simon's audio. I think that cleared it up unequivocally.

We recap the performances which, this week ONLY, is beneficial for me since I haven't seen anything. I heard Phil was awesome, as was Jordin. I heard bad things about Lakisha from random Idol fans, frankly. I'm glad to hear Melinda did well. I don't understand Blake's sweater. And apparently Chris sang through his nose. Is anyone shocked? He ALWAYS (almost always) sings through his nose. Oh my God - Sanjaya dissed Bonnie Raitt by singing her - and Simon hated it and then jumped all over Ryan? Kewl.

Ah. The Kodak. Where I was for the final competition night between Taylor and Kat. This year, not so exciting, and I don't really care about these interviews. So I'm skipping them.

Oh man - and NOW I have to suffer through a group sing?? Agh. That little teeny piece Sanjaya sang didn't actually sound bad. Someone pointed out to me at the concert last night that Sanjaya was so good in auditions - and I agree - and that was the last time he was "so good". I never got the Chris R. appeal, by the way. I guess it's because I'm not a Justin Timberlake fan. And maybe because I think his head kind of looks like a tennis ball - fuzzy and round. Group sing is over. I survived, and if you're reading, so did you. Bravo.

I've skipped forward a bit. All the Idols who have hair are getting their hair done and they're talking about the CDs in their CD player. I'm underwhelmed, so I'm not going to list it. Now we go to Fergie's performance. I'll watch a little of it, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I wouldn't know her if she fell on me. Am I a bad person for that? Actually, I think I'll fast-forward. I'm just not that interested, though at the beginning of her song she sounds quite good vocally.

And we're back after Fergie and a commercial! Whee!! It's FORD COMMERCIAL TIME!! We seem to have a spy theme this week. They're almost all in sunglasses, kind of a poor man's Mission Impossible. Blake isn't wearing sunglasses - does that make him the good guy? And Sanjaya is the bad guy who takes the keys out of the secret briefcase. Huh. We get the Idol Gives Back update, and I think that's next week. I'm actually looking forward to it. If you have missed my plugging The One Campaign (www.one.org), now you haven't missed it. Go. Click. It's worthy. And the Idol Gives Back Night seems to have Gwen, EWT, Il Divo (hat-tip Simon Cowell), Clarkson, Lennox, Underwood, Helen Mirren, and "two of the biggest stars in musical history" (foreshadow foreshadow foreshadow).

Another commercial. ((sigh))

Back. Idols are lined up on stage. "7 places; 6 faces". They're splitting them into TWO groups - highest and lowest vote getters. I wonder if they'll make one pick a group? Brutal if so. Sanjaya is on the left of the screen. Phil is on the right of the screen. Jordin joins Phil. Lakisha joins Sanjaya (wow). Blake joins Lakisha and Sanjaya (Dial Idol's bottom three, FYI). Chris joins Phil's group. Melinda has to choose, apparently. They bring her to the center. They review each group's individual reviews. Highs and lows. Then they synopsize Melinda's performance. Melinda is SAFE we learn, but she's still center stage. And NOW they make her choose. Cruel!! She has to pick the group she thinks is safe!!! Mean. Melinda looks truly uncomfortable and literally sits down on the center of the stage. Smart. Nice move, well-received, cute and comfortable. Ryan now wants her to SLIDE over to Phil's group.

Bottom 3:
Blake (shocker)

Those three come center-stage. Are Blake and Lakisha first-timers in the finals to the bottom 3? Randy thinks it's crazy Blake is there. Paula thinks something bland and indecisive. Simon is "beginning to sense something here" with an evil grin, whatever that means. Perhaps he's happy Sanjaya's finally there? Or that America is listening?

Commercial time.

We're back. The Top 7 went to DreamWorks to see Shred the 3rd getting made. The CEO of DreamWorks meets them (WAY rich dude, btw). DreamWorksDude (DWD) shows off his Oscars. DWD laments how he was much older than the Idols when he found his success. Some other dude shows the Shrek storyboard. It's kind of neat. Then they go to the recording booth to voice Princess Fiona. Guys voice Puss-n-Boots. Then... ANTONIO BANDERAS walks in. Pretty cool. He's the real voice of Puss-n-boots and he's impressed by Blake. Then the Idols leave and go to see the movie in a private screening. They loved it.

Antonio Banderas is in the crowd. I dig him, but does he wash his hair? Antonio Banderas voted seven times, one for each. They are all fantastic according to Antonio. I don't know about him anymore. Now to Martina McBride. I'll fast-forward through her as well - no disrespect, but I'm just not that interested.

Ah!! I've caught up with the DVR (fast-forwarded through the commercials after starting late) and now I'm back in synch with the actual show. Bummer.

6 minutes left in the show and still in commercials. Did I fast-forward through them sitting one of the three down? I'll figure that out in a moment I guess. And we're back - all three still there. Center stage. One of them's getting sent back - it's BLAKE LEWIS. Dial Idol had him second to last. Sanjaya and Lakisha stand there. We get a summary of their song and reviews. After the biggest top 7 vote in Idol history, SAJAYA is going home. Hallalujah!! Vegas must be losing its MIND. Simon must be peeing his PANTS.

Can I just say - I'm really glad he's gone. Not because I hate him, and not because he's not as good as any of the others. I really think that the whole Sanjaya thing helped turn Idol into a parody. It's a shame that this kid was so lampooned and lambasted in the press, listening to others say that he was the "death of American Idol". And I do believe he did the best he could, and he was utterly in over his head. I blame the judges for putting him there in the first place. One could hope they learned a lesson about whom they choose? I give him MAD snaps for changing the words of Let's Give Em Something To Talk About - instead of "let's give em something to talk about, how about loooooove" he does "let's give em somethign to talk about, other than haaaaaiiiiir". Funny.

Let's get back to singing. See you next week.

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posted by RenaRF @ 7:52 PM,


At 12:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You're right. Sanjaya was in over his head and the producers are to blame. He should have never made the top 24. I just hope he can survive the media storm that is coming his way. Over on Chris Sligh's blog, he said that the first question he was asked in his exit interviews was always about Sanjaya. I hope people remember that he's just a kid.


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