Results Show - 1
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Ok! I'm back in the saddle. I'm all caught up with the performances and I'm ready for the results show. Here's who I think is going tonight:
Nicole Tranquillo
Amy Krebs
Nick Pedro
Paul Kim
With the girls I think my bottom two match those that will go. With the boys, though, my bottom two are different from who I think will go. So with that, make the click to the full post and I'll cover the first Results Show!
All 24 of them are lumped on stage, all smiling. I suspect a few will NOT be smiling soon enough. Not just the four who go, but whomever they single out to be in that bottom "group" as well. Now they've run and moved to the stairs. They're a veritable hoard. 32 million votes were tabulated. We meet the judges, and Simon doesn't seem like he wants to kill Ryan, though I wonder these days. I vote that they're not very friendly these days.
We start by busting on the boys. That's this week's theme: The Boys Suck and The Girls Don't. We find out that Diana Ross, John Bon Jovi, Jennifer Lopez, Gwen Stefani, Tony Bennett, Martina McBride, some peeps from Herman's Hermits, and Barry Gibb will all be Top 12 Coaches. No Michael Jackson!! Yay!!
Now we're to the performance recaps, guys first, then girls. We are reminded that Randy thought the boys started way ahead of the girls during Hollywood week, and we're smacked back to this week and The Boys Suck and The Girls Don't. We see Stephanie, Melinda, Leslie, Sabrina singing and chatting from last night. We see the "they took on Celine" girls - Gina and Haley. Jordin and Nicole are highlighted for showing their "soulful sides" (someone save me from hearing Nicole again - God she sucked). Now we're to the Bad Girls - Antonella, Amy and Alaina. For some reason also we're reminded that Ryan took some of Simon's comments personally. We finish with Lakesha as the high point of the night. While she was great, I really think they're giving Melinda short shrift. Not to mention Sabrina.
Back to Ryan, and he introduces the WORST part of AI, the dreaded Group Sing. They're doing a Tears for Fears tune, Sowing the Seeds of Love. Odd choice. We start with Phil - he sounds good! Then to Rudy, Sundance and Blake, all of whom sound good. We flip to Amy, Stephanie, and then back to Brandon, Paul, Chris S., and AJ. Chorus - all together now!! Jordin and Melinda are featured here. Now they're walking around, singing, ooh oohing in relative unison. Groups march forward, etc. Sabrina, Lakesha are featured next. Then it's to the unison BIG ENDING. Left out: Sanjaya, Nick, Jared, Chris R., Leslie, Gina, Haley, Alaina. And with that, we're to the commercial.
Back from commercial! There's Ryan, all natty in his suit. We see the guys first, and some legs are shaking, twitching nervously. Ryan wants to know how they're feeling, and Nick is NOT nervous. Chris is a little nervous about being perceived as disrespectful to Simon and he's worried it will be taken the wrong way. He professes love for Simon. Ugh.
Back row is on stage: Brandon, Sundance, Chris, Nick, Blake, Paul. We go through the reviews from the first night, boy by boy.
Brandon: SAFE.
Sundance: SAFE
Chris R: SAFE
Nick: SAFE (shocker!)
Blake: SAFE
Paul: He's OUT.
So I'm 1-2 in my predictions, and someone from the front row is going home. To further Paul's humiliation, they toss it back to the judges. Randy thinks he should find the songs that let him excel, and I agree. Paula thinks he has enough to make it, and he has a nice voice and he'd be great in the studio - he just tried to hard and picked the wrong song. So they thank him, and he's booted. He's upset - poor guy. And he has to sing! And of course, he has to sing the poor song choice that got him booted. That hurts. I have to say - he's trying to leave with class and on a high note. He wasn't among my favorites from last night, but he wasn't in my bottom, either. Sidenote! He's wearing shoes!! It's the shoe-wearing that undoubtedly did him in - he's probably not wearing his lucky underwear, either.
We're to another break while the boys on the front row poop their pants.
And we're baaaack!! We're switching it up. Time to torture the girls now. They're all ready to cry, apparently. Lakesha is nervous - go figure - but she sums it up: "You just never know". Back row of girls take the stage, reviewed one by one.
Jordin: SAFE
Stephanie: SAFE
Sabrina: SAFE
Leslie: SAFE
Melinda: SAFE
Antonella: SAFE (not that she should be, but I"m not really surprised.
So now the front row of girls is TOTALLY freaking out. Ryan mixes it up, calls Amy up and tells her she's DONE. Whoa - that was pretty rude. They want advice for Amy, and Simon reiterates that she didn't stand out. She's taking it well - I give her snaps. And now, she has to sing in a very bland and non-standy out way again. I didn't really care for that particular method of axing a girl. Kind of like throwing ice water on someone who's laying in the hot sun on the beach. She sings, and she's not a bad singer really, but she really doesn't stand out. Again. Although I have to say - tonight is better than last night. Sanjaya is crying for some reason. Probably because he's a basically nice person.
Another break. We'll be seeing Fantasia when they return, and hearing about the ALL NEW American Idol challenge.
Ok - so to summarize, I got Amy right, I got Paul right, but I got Nick wrong. 2-3. 66% with downside worst result 50%, upside 75%. Not bad! Yay me! And we're back, and Ryan tells us again who got cut and starts explaining the American Idol challenge. You have to have a cell phone, and ou have to answer some question correctly and you may win $10K and qualify you to win
The question: Of these three American Idol winners, which has a multi-platinum album entitled Breakaway? Text A for Carrie Underwood, B for Kelly Clarkson, and C for Fantasia Barrino. Text it to 51555, and it'll cost $.99 (that's 99 cents). And now Fantasia takes the stage. I think I just saw Quincy Jones in the studio?? Huh? Yep - it's him. They just featured him and gave his name. Wow. Quincy Freaking Jones!! Fantasia has a new album out, and she's going to be starring in the Broadway play The Color Purple. WOW. Quincy's producing, and he absolutely pronounces her ready for it. She's doing I'm Here from that production.
I was a fan of Fantasia's unique, powerful and consistent voice in spite of her enormous attitude during Season 3. I think post-Idol has brought her some humility, and this performance is outstanding as far as I'm concerned. I'd love to see her in that production. The judges give her a standing ovation and well they should - they did good seeing through her bluster those seasons ago.
And with that, it's commercial time.
We're back, and the five remaining girls are on the stage. So they get right to it.
Haley: SAFE
Lakesha (duh): SAFE
Gina: SAFE
And now Nicole and Alaina are huddling together.
Alaina: SAFE
Nicole: She's OUT.
3-4. Not bad - I should start betting! They got the girls right, and will hopefully weed out Haley and Alaina next week baring some stellar comeback of singing proficiency. Paula reiterates that she's a brilliant vocalist (she needs to have her ears checked). Nicole is gracious in her defeat, and manages not to cry. But now I have to hear that awful song again. She doesn't suck any less tonight than she did last night - this is a REALLY bad song for her. Her limitations show as though illuminated by a searchlight. Ugh. Make it stop!
We're back! Bottom row guys now.
Chris S.: SAFE
Phil: SAFE
Jared: SAFE
That leaves Rudy and Sanjaya. Hm - didn't expect this. One of them is top 4 boys, the other is out. Rudy is OUT. That's SO FREAKIN' WRONG. Sorry Sanjaya fans - I think he's a nice young man but he's nowhere nearly as good as Rudy. Simon disses him again, saying he can't make a great singer out of someone who's average. Paula thinks America got it wrong.
Now we get the package of the four who were outed all lumped together. Bummer for them. Based on JUST last night's performances, I would have put four or five boys below Rudy in capability, Sanjaya being one of them.
And there you have it - show over. Rudy sings again, and claims he's going "out with a bang". He gets to sing, and that's good - they don't cut him off. And I like the song again. Don't love it, but don't hate it. He should have had a shot to redeem himself.
So here they are again, the four cut Idols:
See ya later folks!
Labels: American Idol, Boys, Girls, Results, Round 1, Semi-Finals
posted by RenaRF @ 8:01 PM,