Top 6 - Results
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Hello readers. I am feeling pretty crappy. I think I'll probably skip the majority of the commentary (stop celebrating, will you? Have some respect) and just go to the SAFE/NOT SAFE tally. Then, I'm going to bed.
Wow - SHOCKER! The judges still look like... the judges! What's up with Ryan's hair? It's uncharacteristically flat. I'm kind of tired of the loving-Blake-fest. He took a risk and it was interesting, but dude - the vocals just weren't that spectacular. And I have to agree with Jimmy - regardless of the theme or the song, Blake always has a Spandau Ballet moment. We get the recaps - yawn. It's that they don't do it well, I'm just really tired. Yawn with me over the click for more recappery.
Must we be back at the Farmer's Market? Is that necessary? Ryan's jacket is really awful. I thought it was funny that the random people busted on Jordin HARD. She's a sweet girl, but the last two weeks were painfully bad, regardless of what the judges say. That's why it's funny that she's talking now about "having her bad week" because frankly, I think she's had more than a few weeks that weren't very good. This Simon Lakisha thing is disturbing.
OMG. Reuben Studdard. He's pimping Idol Gives Back! I find that really... odd.
I did NOT like Robin Thicke. Was that a joke?
Ah... Ford commercial time. It's kind of creepy. They let Blake be the uber-creepy dude instead of Phil, though. Results time.
All standing at center stage. Melinda's first and she's SAFE. Phil and Lakisha stand there now. Phil and Lakisha get their reviews. Lakisha is SAFE. PHIL is going HOME. That's so wrong. He was without question the best male voice in the competition this year. Phil also seems to be a genuinely nice person. I'd have lost Jordin in a heartbeat over Phil.
I'm so pissed off I'm skipping the rest of the show and heading to the remainder of the results (I DVRd it). Wait - pause rewind - that was Taylor!! I'm glad to see him pimp IGB, and he was sincere when he spoke. I miss Taylor and last season!
So apparently Jordin's safe and I missed it while fast-forwarding. Dunno - sure wish she was gone and not Phil. At any rate, that leaves Blake and Phil. They are dragged to center stage, and we learn they are BEST FRIENDS (BFF BABEEE!). Blake and Chris are giggling with each other as they get their recaps. Blake is SAFE and Chris is going HOME. So I got one of the my two predictions right.
All right. I feel like poo, so goodnight, and I'll be posting some YouTube later in teh week.
Labels: American Idol, Finals, Results, Top 6
posted by RenaRF @ 8:26 PM,
- At 11:36 PM, SuperflyTNTdaShizzle said...
On Reuben Studdard: Was it just me or did he remind you of a forgotten Gary Coleman doing s public service anouncement to get his name back in the spotlight?
On Robin Thicke: It sounded like a really bad, wimpy, white-assed Marvin Gaye imitation, at least the 40 seconds or so I actually watched.
On the Ford commercial: Blake was uber-creepy but Phil wasn't lacking in creepiness. Actually everyone was a little creepy.
On fast forwarding: Not only did you miss Jordin being safe, (he told her right away because of how he messed with her last week), but you also missed the Bon Jovi performance. No big deal. I caught the beginning but watched even less of it than Robin Thicke. There was enough to fast forward through that I was able to watch in less than 1/2 hour, (of course I also FFed through Phil and Chris singing two of my least favorite songs).
On the results: I can't get upset over Phil going home. He might have had the best voice of the guys but he was a completely boring performer. He wasn't the worst but not really Idol material either. I do think Phil was probably the one hurt most by adding the two weeks together. I don't think it would be a stretch to see him getting voted off after not being the bottom one either week. By the same token I think Lakisha might have benefitted the most. I think she was in real danger last week, but her performance this week might have saved her. Jordin might have benefitted too. She might have been the bottom this week but had enough votes from last week to save her.
Oh yeah! I almost forgot to mention Chris leaving. No suprise there. He's been my choice to go after Sanjaya since the beginning of the final 12.